Waseda University Emergency Scholarship For International Students to Study in Japan

“Waseda University Emergency Scholarship” is a scholarship to support students who have difficulty in
continuing their studies due to a sudden and drastic change in their families’ financial situation, such as
their financial supporter’s loss of job, bankruptcy, sickness, death, natural disaster, or other emergency

Please read the guidelines carefully and follow the procedures listed below if you wish to apply for this
scholarship. If you pass the screening and are selected as a grantee, you will receive the scholarship
(Acceptance situation of last summer)
[Japanese Students] Number of Applicants 41 → Number of Grantees 17
[International Students] Number of Applicants 36 → Number of Grantees 19

  1. Eligibility: Students who meet all the following requirements;
    (1) At the time of application, the reason of sudden
    ※ 1
    changes in their family’s financial circumstances has
    happened within the past
    ※ 2
    ONE year (August 2021- July 2022).
    (2) Students who are recognized as having difficulty in pursuing their studies for financial reasons.
    (3) Japanese
    ※ 3
    students and International students who are enrolled in regular course and will be able to
    graduate within standard course term (for undergraduate school) or are on the grade of standard
    course term (for graduate school).
    ※1 Sudden changes which happened more than 1 year ago are not accepted. However, if you were selected as a
    recipient of this scholarship in the previous academic year, you may reapply with the same reasons.
    ※2 Definitions of sudden changes in family’s financial circumstances are listed below.
    Students are recognized as experiencing “a sudden and drastic change in their family’s financial
    circumstances”, if they fall under any of the following situations;
  2. The main provider of the household (either father or mother whose income is higher than the other, or
    the one who supports family’s finance instead of them)
  • has lost his/her job due to the bankruptcy of the company or dismissal from the company
  • has taken early involuntary retirement due to company’s circumstances
  • has experienced a considerable decrease in their income after re-employment
    ※Excluding voluntary resignation and compulsory retirement
  1. The main provider of the household dies or separates from student’s family.
  2. The main provider of the household has bankrupted.
  3. Household spending has increased considerably, or household income has decreased considerably because
    of sickness, accidents, bankruptcy of the company, decline of the company, or other reasons that cause
    the sudden changes of family’s finance.
  4. Household spending has increased considerably, or household income has decreased considerably because
    of disasters such as fire, storm damage, flood, earthquake, and other disasters.
    ※3 Students whose resident status is “permanent resident” (eijusha), “special permanent resident” (tokubetsu
    eijusha), “long-term resident”(teijusha), “spouse of a Japanese resident”, “spouse of a permanent resident”, or
    “spouse of a special permanent resident”
    【Special Measure due to COVID-19】
    ※If you meet all those three following requirements, you meet the special measure due to COVID-19.
    ※If you meet all those three following requirements, you can apply for this scholarship even you will not be
    able to graduate within standard course term(for undergraduate school) or are not on the grade of standard
    course term (for graduate school).
    【!NOTE!】It does not mean that you will be selected as a recipient of the scholarship if you meet the special
    measure due to COVID-19.
    ①Those who have difficulty in continuing their studies for a sudden and drastic change in their family’s
    financial situation due to COVID-19.
    International students are also required to meet the following situations.
    ・Those who have the “College Student” status (However, remote class students are also acceptable if
    they meet the conditions for attendance management, etc.)
    ・Those who are enrolled in a faculty or graduate school as of May 1, 2022, in principle
    ②Those who can confirm the economic situation by one of the following methods.
    ・Certificate of receipt of public support for those who have decreased income due to COVID-19
    (Ex:emergency small-lot support, postponement of national and local taxes payment)
    ・A certificate (income certificate,etc.) that shows that the income amount of the main household
    supporter in 2021 is less than half the amount of income in 2020. If the main household supporter
    cannot provide the withholding slip or final tax return due to living overseas, please submit a
    document that shows the amount of income, etc
    ③Those cases that main household supporters have a salary income of 8.41 million yen or less. Or
    those cases that main household supporters have an non-salary income of 3.55 million yen or less.
  5. Stipend: 400,000 Yen (1 year)

Official website

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