The East-West Center Leadership program 2020

The East-West Center Leadership program is excited to invite applications for the 2020 Asia Pacific Leadership Program (APLP)! The APLP brings together people who want to co-create the future as self-reflective, resilient agents. Using...


South East Asia Postgraduate Business Merit Scholarship

Award: Twenty five (25%) tuition fee scholarship Overview South East Asia Postgraduate Business Merit Scholarship is established to attract high achieving commencing international students from South East Asia enrolling in a postgraduate coursework program...

English Grammar and Style 0

English Grammar and Style

Learn key concepts and strategies in grammar and style to help enhance your writing and confidently respond to the demand of high levels of literacy in the 21st century. About this course With the...



7TH ASIA-PACIFIC URBAN FORUMOct 15-17, 2019 || Penang, MalaysiaDeadline: 30 September 2019 The Asia-Pacific Urban Forum is the largest and most diverse multi-stakeholder forum in the Asia-Pacific region. Since 1993, the Asia-Pacific Urban Forum...