Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate

This is your path to a career in digital marketing. In this program, you’ll learn in-demand skills that can have you job-ready in less than 6 months. No degree or experience required.

About this Professional Certificate

Prepare for a new career in the high-growth fields of digital marketing and e-commerce, in under six months, no experience or degree required. Businesses need digital marketing and e-commerce talent more than ever before; 86% of business leaders report that digital commerce will be the most important route to growth. There are 218,000 U.S. job openings in this growing field, with a median entry-level salary of $51,000.¹

Throughout this program, you will gain in-demand skills that prepare you for an entry-level job and learn how to use tools and platforms like Canva, Constant Contact, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Hootsuite, HubSpot, Mailchimp, Shopify, and Twitter. You will learn from subject-matter experts at Google and have a chance to build your own portfolio with projects like customer personas and social media calendars to show to potential employers.

75% of Google Career Certificate graduates in the US report seeing a positive impact on their career within six months²

Check out all Google Career Certificates here.

This program contains no confidential information. All Google Search features taught are publicly available, you can learn more in official Google Search documentation.

¹US Burning Glass Labor Insight Report salary data (median with 0-5 years experience) and job opening data. Data for job roles relevant to featured programs (4/01/2021 – 3/31/22).

²Based on program graduate survey responses, United States, 2021

Applied Learning Project

This program includes over 190 hours of instruction and practice-based assessments, which simulate real-world digital marketing and e-commerce scenarios that are critical for success in the workplace. The content is highly interactive and developed by Google employees with experience in the field.

Skills you’ll gain will include: Developing digital marketing and e-commerce strategies; attracting and engaging customers through digital marketing channels like search and email; measuring marketing analytics and sharing insights; building e-commerce stores, analyzing e-commerce performance, and building customer loyalty.

Platforms and tools you will learn include: Canva, Constant Contact, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Hootsuite, HubSpot, Mailchimp, Shopify, and Twitter

Through a mix of videos, assessments, and hands-on activities, you’ll learn how to use popular tools and platforms required for an entry-level job. Learn concrete skills that top employers are hiring for right now.

Official website

11 Responses

  1. said Khamis says:

    Very useful, what is the requirements

  2. Moses Onoja says:

    I am interested in the Course please

  3. Ashish says:

    Please Share Mi Deep Knowldge

  4. Somnath says:


  5. Sandra says:

    This can be a great course for people that want to learn more about Digital Marketing and social media.

  6. Linus Obunuwa says:

    I am interested

  7. Wow excellent business service and price list in India

  8. Tinashe says:

    I would like to join

  9. Nikhil says:

    i am ready to learn

  10. Kevin says:

    Pls email me details of this course

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