Gates Cambridge Postgraduate Scholarships 2021, Cambridge University

Deadline for applications:
US applicants:
14 October 2020
Other applicants: Depends on the selected course – 3 December 2020 or 7 January 2021


You can apply for a Gates Cambridge Scholarship if you are:

  • a citizen of any country outside the UK
  • applying to pursue one of the following full-time residential courses of study at the University of Cambridge:
    • PhD
    • MSc/MLitt
    • 1-year postgraduate course
      (except: Master of Business (MBA), Master of Finance (MFin), PGCE, Any Undergraduate degree such as BA (undergraduate) or BA affiliated (a second BA), MBBChir Clinical Studies, MD Doctor of Medicine degree (6 years, part-time), Graduate Course in Medicine (A101), Part-time degrees, Non-degree courses)

NOTE: Current students at the University of Cambridge meeting the above eligibility criteria mentioned above can apply to the Gates Cambridge Scholarships before the course starts.

Selection Criteria

Our Scholars come from diverse backgrounds and each brings something unique to the programme. We use four criteria to select them.

  • Academic excellence
  • Reasons for choice of course
  • A commitment to improving the lives of others
  • A capacity for leadership

More information on Official Website.

Apply through Official Website: Application Process.

23 Responses

  1. Master in Civil engineering

  2. I am a local Conservationist and an education officer in my country in South West Pacific. Due to Covid-19, the economic situation has been overturned yet govt managed.
    People were affected a bit.
    I am affected however I was accepted to do a one year Masters study in one of Universities in the United kingdom.
    This offer granted to me gives me a feeling that there’s no such disease as Covid-19 existing in the world.
    In other words…I am more than happy as it would be once in a lifetime opportunity to take up a study in the UK.
    I am in desperate need to secure full coporate scholarships or funding to take up this one year study. I have written and enquired to every Scholarship organizations, funders, donors and even few philanthropists one can think come across to assist me. Yet none of them responded positively and others their policies are not in line with my study program to offer assistance. Others their deadline is up already.
    My study is this year (2020).
    Please, would your office consider my plight?

    • Asean Op says:

      Dear Felix, if you would like to apply for a scholarship, please read the information given and prepare your application.
      As we mentioned in some posts, getting a scholarship is not always an easy path, and don’t be discouraged. You can try again, until it would finally work. Make sure your application is in line with the type of studies offered, and that you fulfill the requirements. You can as well try to build up your applications with positive arguments and explain why you would be the right candidate for the scholarship. You might not get awarded at the first application but take it as an experience to improve your next application.

  3. Azra Noureen says:

    I would like to study PhD and I have completed MS in Public Health from Perdana University, Malaysia.

  4. Maalim Mbarouk Maalim says:

    I have completed master degree in tourism planning in Indonesia .I would like to pursue my PhD in environmental development or sustainable development or tourism .please guide me. Thanks from Tanzania .

  5. Fekadu Ayana says:

    Please help me for with up date with master on business Administration over there and all the necessary.

  6. Grace ngulube says:

    I really need this scholarship to study master’s in Public Health.

  7. Amira says:

    Does the scholarship accept dental public health master’s?

  8. If you please, I would like to know if I’m eligible to apply for this golden scholarship or not?
    As for me I have got a bachelor degree in accounting from Alexandria University with final grade pass… For that could you assist me on how can I apply for studying a master’s degree with you in January 2021?

    • Asean Op says:

      Indeed, this is a great opportunity. Please check the details and prepare your application, but check carefully, the scholarship is for Postgraduates!

  9. Kaleab gebremeskel says:

    I realy wants to learn my masters on public health i have degree in genetic engineering

  10. Sodum Nalini says:

    I have completed my master of pharmacy, and my specialization is Pharmacology. I would like to do PhD in. Epigenetics related and molecular biology.

  11. Kiran Gade says:

    I have completed my masters in Information Technology and willing to pursue PhD in AI. Could you guide me about the process.

  12. kuikeu tanga murielle dilanne says:

    I really want to continue my phD in petrochimical technology

  13. kuikeu tanga murielle dilanne says:

    I am under process to complet my MSc petrochimical in india and l want to continue with a phD in your country.

  14. Dilpreet says:

    Good day, would like to enquire on what are the types of the postgraduate courses that is being offered
    Thank you and have a great day!

  15. Buer Isaac. says:

    I want to pursue PhD in mathematics. l have MED. Guide me.

  16. aditi singh says:

    I’m currently studying in class 12 and I want to pursue MBBS for my future. Please see that I have no UG degree so, I would like to know if I’m eligible to apply for this scholarship or not? I really want to do my UG from an eminent college like Cambridge. Please let me know if it’s for me or not.

    Thank you
    Aditi Singh

    • Asean Op says:

      Dear Aditi, this scholarship is for Post-graduate, so you are not yet able to register for this Scholarship. In a few years maybe!

  17. Junaid Saddiqi says:

    Sir your university is the best university in the world I want to study medical in your university

  18. Monica Mpumwiire says:

    I would like to study a masters in molecular biology/sciences. I completed my undergraduate degree from Uganda., is it offered at Gates Cambridge University

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