YSEALI Critical Thinking in Classrooms Regional Workshop is Now Accepting Applications
The applications for the YSEALI Critical Thinking in Classrooms Regional Workshop is now open!
Bringing together 60 YSEALI members from across ASEAN countries to learn about and advocate for critical thinking skills in classrooms, the workshop will be conducted in Bangkok, Thailand, May 21-26, 2018. Ten YSEALI members will be selected from Thailand, and 50 other YSEALI members will be selected from the rest of the ASEAN region.
The workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to work together to develop possible solutions to educational and social challenges and address problems associated with disinformation and fake news.
All program and travel costs including flight/transportation, meals, and accommodation will be covered. Please note that only flights within the 10 ASEAN countries are eligible; additional costs are the responsibility of participants.
Detailed application instruction can be found here.
Submit your application online before March 7, 2018!
Please direct any inquiries about the YSEALI Critical Thinking in Classrooms Workshop to the Asia Foundation in Bangkok: