University Summer Courses offered in Germany 2019 (Fully Funded)

There are funds attendances to students and graduates to improve your knowledge of German (general language, special language) and your cultural knowledge of the country.

Nationality: international students and graduates

Location: to be taken in Germany

Areas: language and area studies courses as well as special language / terminology courses

Funded available:

  • One-off scholarship payment of 950 euros; scholarship holders from “Least Developed Countries” receive a scholarship of 1,125 euros.
  • Payment of a country-specific travel allowance
  • Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover

Duration of the funding: at least 18 teaching days (max. 5 days/week, excluding days of arrival and departure) with a minimum of 25 hours of teaching a week


In order to apply, you shall:

  • Be students in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in any subject area
  • Have completed at least two academic years at the start of the scholarship period (For Bachelor students)

What do you need to submit?

To submit online:

  • Online application form
  • Full curriculum vitae in tabular form (in German)
  • Letter of motivation (in German)
  • Copy of university degree certificate with final grade(s), if available (with German or English translation)
  • Proof of credits of the last two years (in German or in English)
  • Language certificates

To be submit by post

  • The “Application summary”
  • A recent reference from a university teacher which provides information about your qualifications

How to apply:

  • You first apply online through the DAAD Portal
  • Then you have to send one copy of the file by post to the application address

University Summer Courses offered in Germany

Official website


2 Responses

  1. Pa Sokheng says:

    Hello, could I know how to apply? do you have any link and when is the deadline?

  2. Mano says:

    Could I apply scholarship without proof my English proficiency?

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