University of Sydney Research Fellowships for International Candidates

Here is the opportunity to apply for postdoctoral research fellowships to conduct innovative, multidisciplinary work at one of the world’s top 30 universities for academic performance.

Nationality: not specified

Where: University of Sydney

Fellowship coverage:

  • $98,940 per annum base salary,
  • up to 17 percent superannuation (pension fund),
  • a $25,000 research grant,
  • four weeks annual leave per year (plus generous leave loading) and return airfares to relocate to Sydney

Duration: three year

Number of fellowships: 10


To apply, you need to:

  • Hold a PhD award within the specific date
  • Have the endorsement of a proposed supervisor before applying
  • Possess strong ability in research

How to apply:

  • First, you have to check the eligibility criteria
  • Second, find a supervisor working in your area of expertise and request a letter of support
  • Third, complete the application through online system that is open in July

What do you need to submit?

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Evidence of a PhD award
  • The 2-page proposed research project (please use the template)
  • Signed letter of endorsement
  • Career interruption details and supporting evidence if relevant
  • One referee report (please use the template provided)

Closing date: August 19, 2018 by 11.59pm AEST

Official website

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