UNITECH International program in Germany, 2020

UNITECH International program in Germany, 2020

UNITECH International is a partnership between nine leading European universities and 22 industry partners. The program sets out to expose students to discussions about current issues through a combination of exchange semesters, industry internships, coaching, and workshops. The program also has the added value of funding particularly qualified students, who acquire management skills and practical experience during the stay abroad in addition to further technical skills.

UNITECH is a mobility program. Participation in the program is free once the student is selected. Travel expenses will be covered up to around 1,000 euros.

What is the program structure?

The program is one year. It kicks off with a start-up week in August, which is hosted by a different university every year and is organized as a coaching event. Students then go to their respective host university to spend a semester abroad and to work on a project with an industry partner. Midterm week in January is the transition point between the study abroad and internship. It is also held as a coaching event at one of the nine European universities. After the internship semester the program concludes with an end of year event. This consists of a graduation ceremony where UNITECH participants, who have completed their degree at their home university, celebrate their completion and receive their UNITECH diploma.

For Whom is the Program Intended?

The program ist targeted at RWTH students in engineering, computer science, and physics, who can exhibit outstanding academic performance and important soft skills and who are in the master’s or at the end of her Bachelor’s degree (5th / 6th semester).

How can I apply?

Please apply online and upload the following documents in addition to the question you are asked to download:

  • Passport photo, 300 KB maximum
  • Resume, 2 pages maximum
  • Transcript of records, 2 MB maximum
  • Optional: other documentation, 2 MB maximum

Deadline for Applications

The deadline for applications for the academic year of 2020/21 is January 5, 2020.

Applicants who make it through a pre-selection round are invited to an Assessment Center.

Official website

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