Applications are now OPEN for Year 2 of the U.S.-Japan Southeast Asia Partnership in a Dynamic Asia Fellowship. Apply by 11:59 P.M. EDT on September 20, 2019.


Learn more about the Year 1 Cohort (January – March 2019) of the U.S-Japan-Southeast Asia in a Dynamic Asia Fellowship.

U.S. – Japan – Southeast Asia Partnership in a Dynamic Asia Fellowship

Fellowship Information and Application – Year 2

Fellowship Description

The East-West Center in Washington (EWCW), in collaboration the Center for Rule-making Strategies (CRS) at Tama University, is launching the second year of the U.S.–Japan—Southeast Asia Partnership in a Dynamic Asia fellowship. This program provides analysts and scholars with an opportunity to conduct interviews, research, publish, and present work while in residence at EWCW and CRS.

This project is generously funded by The Japan Foundation and the U.S. Embassy Tokyo.

The primary purposes of this project are three-fold:

1. Expand existing U.S.-Japan academic and policy networks by bringing together experts in the U.S.-Japan alliance, Southeast Asia, and functional specialists (e.g., on regional economic integration, political economy, maritime security, and institutions/multilateralism).

2. Initiate “trilateral” interactions among Americans, Japanese, and Southeast Asians around core topics, with the aim of assessing Japan and the U.S.-Japan alliance’s role in Southeast Asia.

3. Generate policy-relevant ideas and proposals to inform policymakers responsible for U.S.-Japan relations and produce research, publications, and exchanges among Americans, Japanese, and Southeast Asians.

The fellows selected for Year 2 of the fellowship (January 2020-March 2020) will conduct research along the following theme: How should the U.S., Japan, and Southeast Asia cooperate on trade, investment, and economic integration in Southeast Asia?

Fellowship Timeline and Logistics

The fellowship will run from January – March 2020. One month will be spent at CRS in Tokyo (with potential travel to other Japanese cities) followed by one month at EWCW in Washington, D.C. Office space and office support will be provided at CRS and EWCW respectively. All international and in-country program travel will be covered. Monthly stipends of US$3,000 will be provided.

Application Requirements and Materials

Applicants must be nationals of Japan, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states, or the United States, and eligible to receive a fellowship stipend. Applicants with or without a PhD will be considered; those without a PhD will be considered based on their relevant professional experience.

Applications must include:

  • A completed online application form
  • A full CV
  • Two letters of reference
  • A 5-page (double spaced) policy-relevant research proposal on the following theme: How should the U.S., Japan, and Southeast Asia cooperate on trade, investment, and economic integration in Southeast Asia?  The proposal must:
    • Discuss the policy problem or issue to be examined and a tentative hypothesis and arguments
    • Make the case that the proposed project can be completed in three months
    • Explain how a fellowship at CRS and the EWCW would further this research (For example by interviewing government officials/policy experts, access to archives at local institutions etc.)

Official website

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