TWAS Fellowships for Research and Advanced Training

TWAS fellowships are calling for application to spend their time within the specific duration at a research institution. You will improve your research ability to another step for your future career path.

Nationality: candidates from developing in the South, Cambodians applicants are included

Where: developing country other than your own

Duration: 3 to 12 months

Area: natural sciences

Fellowship coverage: international low-cost airfare, a contribution towards subsistence, and hosting institution is expected to offer accommodation and food along with research facilities


If you are willing to apply for the fellowship, you need to:

  • Hold at least an MSc or equivalent degree
  • Be committed in research and advanced training
  • Be a resident of a developing country
  • Be employed by a research institution in a developing country as well
  • Not applying for Institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) as hosting institution

What do you need to submit?

  • scanned copy of your passport, even if expired
  • CV, maximum five pages including a list of 6 publications;
  • Supporting Statement from Head of Home Institution;
  • Two reference letters of senior scientists familiar with your work
  • MSc certificate and relevant university transcripts;
  • Official invitation letter from theĀ  Head of the Host Institute

How to apply:

Submit the online application form and upload all the required documents above at

Closing date: October 1, 2018

Official website

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