The University of Queensland Information Technology and Computer Science Scholarship 2022


Enrolment statusNew students, Currently enrolled students
Student typeDomestic students, International students
Level of studyUndergraduate
Study areaEngineering and Computing, Science and Mathematics
Scholarship valueThe value of the scholarship will be at least $4,500 but limited to the annual income from the fund.
Scholarship duration1 year
Number awarded1
Opening date6 August 2021
Closing date7 March 2022


Established in 2019 this scholarship is maintained by a gift from a UQ Bachelor of Computer Science (1979) alumni husband and wife, who in recognition of the encouragement they received to pursue their education would like to leave a legacy for students who may not otherwise have the opportunity to study in the areas of computer science and information technology at UQ.


An applicant is eligible for the Scholarship, if the applicant -(a) can demonstrate financial need;(b) submits an application to the Associate Dean, by the closing date for applications; (c) is enrolled or intends to be enrolled full-time in an Approved Program;(d) will complete, or has completed, year 12 studies in the two year period prior to the year of the award;(e) does not hold a scholarship that the Associate Dean considers to be similar.

How to apply

Please submit the on-line application form by the due date.

Selection criteria

An applicant is eligible for the Scholarship, if the applicant –
(a) can demonstrate financial need;
(b) submits an application to the Associate Dean, by the closing date for applications; 
(c) is enrolled or intends to be enrolled full-time in an Approved Program;
(d) will complete, or has completed, year 12 studies in the two year period prior to the year of the award;
(e) does not hold a scholarship that the Associate Dean considers to be similar.

(1) For the selection process, the Associate Dean must establish a selection committee, comprising –

(a) the Associate Dean, or nominee, as chair of the committee; 
(b) at least one academic staff member who is currently teaching in an Approved Program; and
(c) the PVC(IE) or nominee where relevant.

(2) The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the following criteria-

(a) evidence of financial need; 
(b) personal qualities including leadership potential, community service and engagement; 
(c) demonstrated academic abillity; and
(d) any other matter that the selection committee considers to be relevant to the applicant’s future success in the information technology and/or computer science profession.

(3) Where all other considerations are equal, preference will be given to (in order of preference) –

(a) previous recipients of the scholarship who continue to face financial hardship; 
(b) a female applicant; or 
(c) an Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person.

(4) The selection committee may decide to interview shortlisted applicants.


Jodie Chellew+61 7 3365

Official website

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