THE 5TH YOUTH GLOBAL FORUM [Scholarship Available]

December 2-6, 2019 || Amsterdam, Netherlands
deadline: 2 June 2019

Youth Time International Movement is officially opening the application call for Participants and Project Presenters for its fifth annual Youth Global Forum. Each year The Youth Global Forum brings together over 100 young talented innovators and leaders from all around the world to discuss the most prevalent issues facing Youth today.

This time participants will discuss, dissect and learn about one of the most intriguing topics we are currently facing: ‘’At the Crossroads: Industry 5.0 vs Inclusive Development: Where is the future’’?

1. Young people 20-35 from around the world;
2. Master’s/PhD students, social entrepreneurs, young professionals, persons working at/with startup incubators and/or accelerators;
3. Fluent in English (reading, writing, speaking).

Please read more regarding thw program through the following link

1 Response

  1. Ith Makara says:

    I really want to try this scholarship. It is such a great program in Netherlands. If I pass this scholarship I will improve my community.

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