[Fully Funded]
Date: February 2019
Deadline: 30 November 2018

Istanbul Fellowship Program was initiated in 2016 by Turkish Press and Publishers Copyright & Licensing Society (TBYM), the largest professional organization of publishers in Turkey. The aim of this program is to contribute to bilateral cooperation between Turkish and foreign publishers, and to make Istanbul a marketplace for copyrights exchange.

Eligibility to Apply:
1. Executives of publishing houses
2. Editors
3. Copyright agencies
4. Professional and Non-Governmental Publisher Organizations

Applications to the program will be evaluated in December 2018 by the Board of Evaluation of Turkish Press and Publishers Copyright & Licensing Society.
Successful applicants to the Istanbul Fellowship Program will be provided with three different support packages.

Golden Package:
1. Plane ticket (Round Trip / Economy Class)4 nights in a 5-star hotel
2. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner provided throughout the program
3. Airport pick up and drop off service
4. Participation in seminars and business meetings
5. Translation support

Silver Package:
1. 4 nights in a 5-star hotel
2. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner provided throughout the program
3. Airport pick up and drop off service
4. Participation in seminars and business meetings
5. Translation support

Bronze Package:
1. Lunch and dinner provided throughout the program
2. Airport pick up and drop off service
3. Participation in seminars and business meetings
4. Translation support

Learn more about the program hereĀ

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