Tampere University global student award for Bachelor & Master (Fully Funded)

Tampere University global student award for Bachelor & Master (Fully Funded)

Tampere University Scholarships Programme is intended for students who are required to pay tuition fees in Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes offered in English, and who are selected as students in spring 2020. Scholarships are awarded at admission to the best applicants and during studies to students who have done exceptionally well in their studies. A generous number of scholarships are available. In addition, all fee-paying applicants accepted as students may take advantage of an early bird scholarship during the first year of studies. With the help of the scholarship programme, Tampere University provides excellent international students with high-quality, yet affordable, education.

The programme consists of the following scholarships awarded at admission:

  • Tampere University global student award for academic excellence scholarships include a 7,000 € annual scholarship to cover the student’s living expenses during the first year of the Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme as well as a tuition fee scholarship covering 100% of the tuition fees in a three-year Bachelor’s or a two-year Master’s degree programme or both if the study right granted leads from Bachelor’s degree to a Master’s degree.
  • Tampere University tuition fee scholarships cover 100% of the tuition fees in a three-year Bachelor’s or a two-year Master’s degree programme or both if the study right granted leads from Bachelor’s degree to a Master’s degree
  • Early bird scholarships covering 50% of the tuition fee during the first year of studies, available to all fee-paying students

To be considered for the Tampere University global student award for academic excellence scholarship or the Tampere University tuition fee scholarship, you must apply for the scholarship on your application for admission. To apply for a scholarship, you must describe your academic qualifications and motivation on the application form in writing (a maximum of 3500 characters allowed). The scholarship applications are processed by the Faculties and a University scholarship council.

The decision on the granted scholarship will be communicated to you together with information on admission. The early bird scholarship is available to all fee-paying students without a separate application.

The scholarship recipients’ progress in studies will be monitored each academic year. In order to retain the full Tampere University tuition fee scholarship in the following year of studies, the recipient must earn at least 55 credits during the academic year as detailed in the personal study plan. If a scholarship recipient completes 50-54 credits during the academic year, his or her scholarship will be reduced to 50 % in the following academic year. If a scholarship recipient completes less than 50 credits during the academic year, he or she will be charged the full tuition fee in the following academic year.

The early bird scholarship covering 50% of the tuition fees is available for all fee-paying students who have not been awarded a Tampere University global student award for academic excellence or tuition fee scholarship on admission. Students may take advantage of the early bird scholarship by accepting their study place offer and paying 50% of the tuition fee within two weeks after receiving the letter of acceptance. This offer is valid only for the first year of studies.All fee-paying students are eligible to apply for Tampere University scholarships also after the first year of studies. The scholarships which are available during studies are specified below.

Tampere University scholarships awarded after the first year of studies:

All students subject to tuition fees, both Tampere University scholarship recipients and fee-paying students, have the possibility to apply for the Tampere University global student award for academic excellence scholarships after the first year of their studies and thereafter annually. The Tampere University global student award for academic excellence scholarship includes a 7,000 € annual scholarship to cover the student’s living expenses and covers 100% of the tuition fees for one academic year at a time. Students are eligible to apply for this scholarship if they have obtained at least 55 credits with a GPA no less than 4/5 during the academic year.

If a fee-paying student does very well in his or her studies, i.e. finishes 60 ECTS credits with a GPA no less than 3/5 in an academic year, the student may also apply for a Tampere University tuition fee scholarship covering 50% of the tuition fees after the first year of studies and thereafter annually.

Scholarships are awarded after the first year of studies for one year at a time upon application.

The total duration of all Tampere University scholarships may not be longer than the target time for the completion of the degree. The target time for the completion of a bachelor’s degree programme is three academic years. The target time for the completion of a master’s degree programme is two academic years.

Please note that students studying in the framework of the following programmes with a scholarship are not eligible to apply for the above-mentioned scholarships:

  • the Erasmus Mundus programme
  • the Nordic Master programme (Academic Excellence scholarship)
  • the Fulbright – Tampere University Graduate Award programme

Official website

6 Responses

  1. Ludia Maagi says:

    I am requesting for scholarship for bachelor

  2. Mary says:

    I want to apply for an undergraduate program , how do I go by it please.

  3. Eh Thamoht Min says:

    How can I apply the scholarship for Bachelor Degree

  4. Euginia says:

    I’ve graduate diploma in Human Resources Management from Organization of Business Professionals an institution in UK,
    can I use my certificate to apply for any Bachelor degree program in your institution? and please do I qualify for a scholarship?

  5. Mark Poul B. Capito says:

    how can i apply for bachelor’s degree?

  6. PETER AMORO says:

    This could actually be described as “generous” to students like me who would wish to achieve their fullest academic potentials but have not been able to do so due to limitation of FUNDS. May God continue to bless the institution management.

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