Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship at University of Waikato, New Zealand 2019

Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship is the scholarship provided by the University of Wailato to support school leaver student, in a purpose to help building high academic quality and leadership skill through leadership training and personal development programme. Please explore further information here:

Where: University of Waikato, New Zealand

Nationality: Be a New Zealander, New Zealand residents, Australian residents, and international candidates

Program level: Entrance / School leaver

Value of the scholarship:  Up to $10,000 per annum for the duration of the applicants’ undergraduate degree (subject to the recipient maintaining the required level of performance)

Field of study: Any discipline at the University of Waikato


  • This scholarship is for School Leaver and Gap year students
  • Must demonstrate great academic performance
  • Have potential to further excel in either a sport or a creative and performing art.
  • Demonstrate leadership potential

How to apply:

To start you Online application, please refer to this website: Application form onlineprocess=siw_ipp_app_crs

Required Documents:

Deadline: August 31st, 2018

Official website

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