SDG Corps Call for Volunteers
The SDG Corps is an online impact amplification platform that intensifies the passion, skills, and networks of young people for the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically it:
1. Invites youth to register in groups of 6 participants who reside in the same or nearby geographical locations
as they will learn together through sessions in the Social Business Leadership Training.
2. Holds online sessions and courses from August 12 to September 30, 2020.
3. Trains participants with specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes to apply to the group’s output— a project they
can implement in their community/city for Sustainable Development.
4. Provides an avenue for participants to look for and plan sessions with their own Action Learning Partner who
will mentor each group in the creation and execution of their community project.
With this, we are looking for enthusiastic individuals who can become one of our volunteers to help make change in their community.