Schwarzman Scholarship at Tsinghua University in Beijing.


Enrolment statusNew students, Currently enrolled students
Student typeDomestic students, International students
Level of studyPostgraduate
Study areaAll study areas
Scholarship valueFull tuition, fees, room and board, travel to and from Beijing, in-country study tours, required books and supplies, Lenovo laptop and smartphone, health insurance and personal stipend
Opening date15 April 2019
Closing date26 September 2019

Scholarship description

Stephen A. Schwarzman Scholars work towards a Master’s Degree at Tsinghua University in Beijing.

The Schwarzman Scholarship is open to citizens from any country, but the application process and requirements may be different for US and Global applicants and for applicants who hold passports or permanent resident cards from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan or Macau. Make sure you visit the correct website for your region.


  • Undergraduate degree or first degree from an accredited college or university
  • Candidates must be at least 19 but not yet 29 years of age as of August 1 of their Schwarzman Scholars enrolment year
  • Applicants must demonstrate strong English language proficiency

See more about eligibility requirements here.

Official website

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