The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program hosts democracy activists, scholars, and journalists for five-month fellowships, bringing fresh insights and perspectives to Washington, DC.

The fellowship offers an important opportunity to explore new ideas in a comparative context, undertake individual research, and share best practices with one another.


All applicants should:

-Demonstrate proficiency in the English language
-Propose a project focusing on the political, social, economic, legal or cultural aspects of democratic development
-Be available to work in residence at the International Forum for Democratic Studies in Washington, D.C. during the 5 month fellowship period (October 1-February 28 or March 1-July 31). No other fellowships or jobs may be held at this time.

Applicants on the practitioner track should:

-Have substantial practical experience working to promote democracy or human rights in their country of origin or interest
-Be mid-career professionals

Applicants on the scholarly track should:

-Possess a doctorate (a Ph.D., or academic equivalent) at the time of application
-Have a proven record of publications in their field
-Have developed a detailed research outline for their fellowship project

More info, please click here

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