Osaka University International College: scholarships for undergraduate degree programs in Japan

Osaka University International College was established in August 2010 under the Japanese government’s Project for Establishing Core Universities for Internationalization , more commonly referred to as the ‘Global 30 Project.’ The International College administrates admissions and the student / educational affairs of two undergraduate degree programs taught in English – the Human Sciences International Undergraduate Degree Program , and the Chemistry-Biology Combined Major Program . ( Applications for the C hemistry-Biology Combined Major Program have ended following October 2019 admission, with the International Undergraduate Program in Science established to take its place.) It aims to contribute to the internationalization of education at Osaka University by providing an environment that makes it easier for international students to study in Japan and receive a high quality education.

Please note that the financial support described below is subject to change as funding was largely provided by a Global 30 Project subsidy from the Japanese government, and this funding ended in March 2014. From April 2014 on, after the termination of the Global 30 Project, financial support has been provided by Osaka University; however, which does not ensure the continuance of this program.

(1) Osaka University Scholarship

This scholarship is for students with outstanding grades. A monthly stipend of 80,000 JPY is provided to those who received an OU scholarship.

For new students who enroll in October 2015, one student from the Human Sciences International Undergraduate Degree Program and two students from the Chemistry-Biology Combined Major Program are eligible for this scholarship.

(2) Financial aid offered by private organizations, etc.

Financial aid offered by private organizations is available to international students and Japanese students.
Contact the Suita Student Center regarding financial aid for Japanese students. Contact one of the offices noted at the bottom of this page regarding financial aid for international students.

Students are advised of applicable financial aid opportunities; however, please note that because candidates are screened competitively not all applicants ultimately receive scholarships.

(3) Other financial aid

All Osaka University students are eligible to apply for a tuition fee exemption (for either half or all tuition fees).

The application period for spring semester tuition fee exemption is from late March to early April. Applications for fall semester tuition fee exemption are accepted from late September to early October.

In addition, the ‘Reservation Program for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately Financed International Students by Pre-arrival Admission’ is offered on a competitive basis by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO). It is made available to international students who have been accepted and will enroll in Osaka University. A monthly stipend of 48,000 JPY is provided for a fixed period of time in order to reduce students’ financial burden and allow them to concentrate on their studies. Please refer to JASSO’s website (Japanese only) for the details.

For more information, contact:

Human Sciences International Undergraduate Degree Program
International Undergraduate Program in Science
Osaka University International College Office , Room #511, Interdisciplinary Research Bldg., 1-2 Machikaneyama-cho Toyonaka 560-0043
Email address

Official website

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