Massey Business School International Student Study Awards

Massey Business School International Student Study Awards

The aim of the Massey Business School, International Student Study Award (“the Award”) is to attract top-achieving new international students enrolling in full-time business programme in the Palmerston North or Wellington Campuses at Massey University.

The award will be based on Academic merit at the discretion of the selection committee.
The award may be awarded annually, and will be to the value of $5,000 per 120 credits enrolled, for up to the total credit value of the programme
Undergraduate Programme maximum $15,000
• Postgraduate Programme maximum $10,000

The total number of new awards to be awarded each year is subject to the approval by the Massey Business School Executive Team.

Applicants must be:

  1. New to Massey University, International students.
  2. The recipient meets all programme admission requirements
  3. The recipient must be enrolled in an eligible undergraduate or postgraduate programme offered by
    Massey Business School and subject to the programme being available at the Palmerston North or
    Wellington campuses.
  4. Recipients must be enrolled at the Palmerston North or Wellington campus as “internal” students (who
    take courses delivered by either Internal or Block mode).
  5. Continuation of the award payment is subject to the recipient remaining in an eligible programme,
    campus and International status.
  6. For the purpose of this award, the academic merit is assessed as an admissions Grade Point Average,
    determined by Massey University or equivalent measurement, as determined by Massey University.
    International Fees
  7. Applicants must remain full fee paying International students whilst studying in their approved programme in
    New Zealand throughout the duration of their study.
    Term The award will be granted for a term equivalent to the full-time study period for the recipient’s programme, but
    subject to satisfactory academic performance to instalment payments after the first year.

Official website

( Applications must be received by 30 November)

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