Malaya MUN 2018 International in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

At MalayaMUN International, each committee and council has been carefully chosen to ensure they require the highest level of inter-dependency and hence strategy. Every speech, press-statement, news report and resolution you make will have an impact on other committees and councils.

To do this, we used a novel approach to conference academics. Instead of having arbitrary topics for each committee and council, we have set up 6 General Issues that can lead to a completely dire future. However, in the context of each committee and council, they will be shaped into a specific topic.

This ensures that every council is inter-related and moves towards the same goal – A better future

The 6 conference wide general issues are;

  1. Terrorism
    2. Cryptocurrencies
    3. Weapons of Mass Destruction
    4. Regional Instability
    5.Refugee Crisis
    6.PeacekeepingAfter the end of our early bird registration, we will be taking a poll to decide which 3 General issues the delegates of MalayaMUN International decides is most important to discuss on. Once the 3 Issues are decided, the specific topics under these issues will be announced for each council.

    Choice-Based Outcomes

An Inter-Connected high strategy academic structure cannot work without the inter-play between decisions and consequences. Hence, at MalayaMUN International, we decided to make the entire conference into an RPG game – so to speak.

The decisions in the form of speeches, press statements and resolutions that delegates take, will lead towards 1 out of 4 pre-determined outcomes – Only two of which, lead to a better future. Each council and committee will progress towards an outcome depending on their developments. The aggregate of all the council’s progress will give us the final outcome for the conference.

At the closing ceremony we will then display to you in the form of a video, the future that all of you combined, working together with the highest level of cooperation or the lack-thereof , have achieved.

We give you the platform, it is up to you to decide which future you want

The conference will host around 1000 delegates from all around the world, and will take place from 15th-18thNovember 2018, at the luxurious InterContinental Hotel Kuala Lumpur, in Malaysia.

Official website

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