Kavli IPMU Postdoctoral Positions for International Researchers in Japan, 2019

Kavli IPMU Postdoctoral Positions for International Researchers in Japan

The Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) at the University of Tokyo solicits applications for its Postdoctoral Fellowship program. Established in 2007, the Kavli IPMU aims to discover the fundamental laws of nature and to understand the universe by bringing together mathematicians, statisticians, theoretical and experimental physicists, and astronomers. We are seeking for candidates who are interested in our broad range of sciences and in interacting with people across disciplines.

Our postdoctoral fellows are for three years and provided with salary comparable to those at other prestigious institutions. They receive generous travel support and are encouraged to travel internationally, visit other institutions, and attend conferences, up to 3 months every year.

Our postdoctoral fellows have opportunities to conduct research in astrophysics, cosmology, high energy physics, mathematics, theoretical physics, science communication and public policy. Details on our research programs can be found here [https://www.ipmu.jp/research-activities/research-program].

English is the official language of the Kavli IPMU and more than half of its full-time scientific members come from outside of Japan. We are building a diverse community of scientists, and we strongly encourage female and international applicants.

We encourage all candidates to apply by December 1, 2019. Applicants should submit curriculum vitae (with email address and citizenship), a statement of research interests, and a list of publications. Applicants should also ensure that at least three letters of reference are submitted on their behalf. 

They should be uploaded at Application Form.

(You need the registration of AcademicJobsOnline.org)

Email inquiries regarding the application process may be sent to academicjob-inquiry@ipmu.jp.

Official website

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