International Scholarships and Financial Assistance at Pittsburg State University, USA

International Scholarships and Financial Assistance at Pittsburg State University

General University Scholarships

All admitted PSU students are eligible to be considered for General University Scholarships by completing the PSU online Scholarship Application. Criteria employed by the scholar­ship committee in making these awards may include: past academic performance, leadership, character, and financial need. Some awards are based entirely on merit. The deadline is February 1st of each year.

For additional information and a list of scholarships

Academic Department Scholarships

There may be scholarships available through each academic department. You may contact the department chair or your academic advisor to see what possibilities are available. A separate application may be required. 

Honors College Scholarship

Presidential Award: $9,500 per year for four years

University Award: $4,500 per year for four years 

The Honors College provides the opportunity for incoming (entering) freshman to participate in the most selective academic group at the university.

The application is open once a year and the deadline for the scholarship is January 15 for the following Fall semester. Students are advised to apply for this scholarship together with the application to the university.

For more information, visit the Honors College website.

Transfer Scholar Leadership Program

Award: $2,000 first year (renewable for second year)

To be eligible for this program a student must:

  • Be transferring from a community college
  • Have at least a 3.25 cumulative college GPA
  • Completed at least 42 hours of college coursework (at least 24 hours completed after high school graduation) and enrolled full-time during the semester of application
  • Application Form
  • Deadline is February 1.

For more information, visit the Transfer Scholar Leadership Program website.

Legacy Scholarship Program (Alumni)

Award: 150% of In-State Tuition (automatic)

The Legacy Scholarship program, which began Fall of 2011, allows nonresident children and grandchildren of alumni to attend PSU for 150 percent of the resident tuition. The program is available for full-time undergraduate students enrolling at PSU for the first time and who meet the program criteria.

The duration of the award will be up to eight semester of undergraduate study. Students in the program must maintain a 2.50 GPA in work completed at PSU.

International Advocate Scholarship

Award: $1,000 (renewable)

The International Advocate Scholarship is a service based scholarship. The recipient of this scholarship is required to perform some hours in promoting international programs. This scholarship is NOT available to incoming international students. Only international students who have completed one regular semester at Pittsburg State University with a CGPA 3.25 may apply for this scholarship. Students may download the application form for submission to the International Programs and Services Office.

Gorilla International Scholarship for India

Award: Up to $6,000 per year (renewable)

Scholarship will be applied in the form of a tuition waiver for up to four years of full time enrollment for undergraduate students and for up to two years of full time enrollment for graduate students. Scholarships are available for new international students from India (freshman, transfer and graduate) applying to PSU for the first time.

International Student Ambassador Scholarship

Award: $500 (renewable)

Current PSU international students who are interested in becoming an International Student Ambassador and joining the student referral program, come to the International Programs and Services Office, 118 Whitesitt Hall, for the referral form or email

German Student “Free-Mover” Scholarship

Award: $1,000 (one-time)

  • Applicant must be nominated by IEC
  • Applicant must currently be attending one of the following German universities:
    • Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin
    • TU Bergakademie Freiberg
    • Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
    • Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald
    • Europa-Universität Viadrina
  • A maximum of five scholarships per university per semester are awarded.

    Additional financial support for German students: Studienfoerderung Ausland (Financial Support Program for Studies Abroad)

Malaysian High Achiever Scholarship

Award: $1,000 (renewable)

Malaysian students pursuing any undergraduate major at PSU may apply to receive a tuition waiver of $1,000 per semester. A limit of 2 scholarships per year will be awarded.


  • A minimum of 3.2 CGPA with a significant record of active involvement in extra-curricular activities.
  • Recommendation letter.

Condition for renewal: Recipient may continue to receive the scholarship each semester by maintaining at least a 3.2 GPA each semester. The scholarship recipient is also expected to have active involvement in campus activities at PSU.

  • Malaysian High Achiever Scholarship Application Form

Paraguay-Kansas In-State Tuition Waiver

Award: In-State Tuition 

The Kansas Paraguay Partnership (KPP) was created in 1968, along with its Paraguayan counterpart, the Comité Paraguay Kansas (CPK). The history of cooperation between the Republic of Paraguay and the State of Kansas fostered by the CPK and KPP make the expansion of cooperative programs between PSU and Paraguay an attractive opportunity for students and faculty.

Students who apply to Pittsburg State University through the Comité Paraguay Kansas, may be eligible for In-State Tuition for undergraduate, graduate and Intensive English Program. 

Tsang-Hsun “Andy” Tsai and Ching-Hui “Hannie” Huang Memorial Scholarship

Award: Up to $150

  • Restricted to students from Taiwan
  • Majors Preferred: Communication – No Emphasis, Communication Studies, Advertising, Broadcasting, Public Relations, Theatre, Journalism, Advertising Track, Broadcasting Track, News Editorial Track, Photojournalism Track, Public Relations Track, Theatre Track
  • GPA Minimum Required: 3.000
  • Apply by February 1st.

Scholarship Application

Samuel J. Pease & William R. Herr Foreign Student Scholarship

Award: Up to $1,000 

This scholarship is restricted to Asian foreign students with financial need being a determining factor. Two $1,000 scholarships are awarded each year. Apply by February 1st.

Scholarship Application

Graduate Assistantship

Pittsburg State University offers graduate assistantships in most academic departments and some administrative departments. Assistantships are available as teaching, administrative and research. Students interested in applying for an assistantship must contact each department they are interested in working for to complete an application.

For additional information

Music Scholarships

Qualified students may audition for scholarships on all wind, brass, percussion, woodwind, string and keyboard instruments, and voice. Appli­cants for music scholarships should contact the chair­person of the Depart­ment of Music.

Band Stipends: Members of the “Pride of the Plains” Marching Band and Basketball Pep Bands receive Band Stipend Awards for their participation. Those interested should contact the director of the Pride of the Plains Marching Band

Athletic Scholarships

Students interested in athletic scholarships should contact the Athletics Director.

On-Campus Employment

International Students are permitted to work part-time (up to 20 hours per week) on-campus only. On-campus jobs are competitive and are not guaranteed. On-campus job opportunities are posted on Gorillas4Hire. For more information, visit the Career Services Office

Official website

1 Response

  1. Joan B. Cuambot says:

    Looking for scholarship in the Phils.
    I am a mother of two kids, who wishes to take up an accounting course as i dreamt even before…..By the way I am a two year computer sofware tech grad.

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