Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers, Germany

The Humboldt Research Fellowship is a granted research program that is available for experienced and independent researchers who have achieved great job of academic research. With this grant, researchers are able to carry out a long-term research in Germany, with their own topic of choice. For further information, please refer to the following:

Where: Host Universities which are the partnered of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany

Nationality: International Scholars

Program: Carry out Long-term Research of the scholarship’s own topic (6 to 18 months)

Value of sponsorship: Fully Funded 

Scholarship is made during Research stay including:

  1. German language course
  2. Travel Expense
  3. Monthly allowance
  4. Benefit for families
  5. Other benefit could be found in detail in the following website:


  • Must have completed a doctoral study in less than 12 years ago
  • Be an independent researcher who has his or her own research profile and has an experience of working in Independent research institution of at least 7 years.
  • Are able to stay and do research in Germany for long period of time
  • Are working at least at the level of Assistant Professor or Junior Research Group Leader
  • Only completed application will be considered

How to apply:

To apply for this research grant, researcher must Apply in Online application system for the Humboldt Research Fellowship of the Humboldt Foundation. If you have never created an account for any application of the Foundation, please refer to the following website to start your online Application.  Application Form

Required Documents: The following documents are to be uploaded in the Online Application:

  • Curriculum vitae (two pages max)
  • Research outline (five pages max)
  • Complete list of publications
  • List of selected key publications
  • Key publications
  • Doctoral certificate
  • German language certificate, if applicable
  • Host’s statement and confirmation of research facilities
  • Two expert reviews
  • Additionally, where required: publishers’ letter(s) of acceptance and/or acknowledgment(s) of receipt as well as summaries or translations of the key publications

Deadline: Researcher could apply for the grant at any time

Official website

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