Haw-Hamburg International Scholarship in Germany 2022

Haw-Hamburg International Scholarship in Germany 2022

HAW Hamburg awards up to five scholarships per semester to international students who demonstrate exceptional social commitment in international activities on campus. The scholarships are funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

You can apply for a scholarship for exceptionally committed international students if you fulfil the following criteria:

  • You are an international student at HAW Hamburg (i.e. you obtained your higher education entrance qualification abroad or you have successfully completed preparatory studies at a German Studienkolleg).
  • Your average grade is at least 2.5.
  • You undertake volunteer work (proof required) in an international context at HAW Hamburg – for example, International Office services or events (weBuddy Programme, Welcome Week, Culture Cafe, country evenings, intercultural training sessions, Certificate of International Competencies, language tandems); student initiatives with an international angle (e.g. AIESEC, ESN); in the Students’ Union (ASTA), as a student representative in your department, or in other student bodies with an international component.
  • Bachelor’s students: You’ve been studying at HAW Hamburg for at least two semesters.
  • Master’s students: You’ve been studying at HAW Hamburg for at least one semester.
  • You are not receiving other HAW Hamburg funding during the scholarship period.
  • If your personal income exceeds €850 per month during the funding period, the scholarship amount will be reduced.

The scholarships for exceptional social commitment are awards of at least €1,800 and are granted for one semester.

Application deadline:

Summer semester: 30 March each year

Winter semester: 30 September each year

Official website

1 Response

  1. Irshad says:

    Is there scholarships for IT students

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