Global Engagement & Empowerment Forum on Sustainable Development (GEEF) 

Date: February 14-15, 2019 
Venue: Yonsei University, Republic of KoreaThe Institute for Global Engagement & Empowerment (IGEE) at Yonsei University in Seoul, in collaboration with the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens in Vienna, will hold the second annual Global Engagement & Empowerment Forum on Sustainable Development (GEEF) on February 14-15, 2019, at Yonsei University.

As IGEE’s signature annual event, GEEF is the cornerstone for fulfilling the mission and vision of the organization – accomplishing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. GEEF will serve as a platform for world leaders, academia, practitioners, and the young generation to collaborate towards that goal. The GEEF 2018 Report provides a summary and outcome of the first Forum held on February 7-8, 2018. Please download the document for more information from IGEE’s website

Interested presenters must submit an abstract of at least 300 words but not exceeding 500 words, in English, no later than October 15, 2018, as an e-mail attachment to

Abstracts should be directly relevant to one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For example, parallel sessions during GEEF 2018 covered various topics including water management; climate change adaptation; responsible consumption and production; social economy and community development; youth’s path to engagement and empowerment; safeguarding youth in the digital age; and ICT for higher education. Abstracts should be single-spaced, within one-page, and include the following information: (1) author(s) name, position, affiliation, and official address; (2) contact information of corresponding author(s); and (3) title and abstract of the paper. After an anonymous review by the GEEF 2019 Scientific Committee, abstract decision letters will be sent via e-mail no later than November 15, 2018 to the authors invited to give oral presentations. A full paper must be submitted to no later than January 15, 2019. Registration deadline for presenters is January 31, 2019.

Travel grants can be considered for international scholars and graduate students from non-OECD countries. For questions about the possible travel grants, please contact

Websites: IGEE
Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global

1 Response

  1. Dr Qaiser Farooq says:

    I am Dr Qaiser Farooq Dar recently completed my PhD in Statistics. I want to submit my research paper in this conference. Please send me the link where a have to submit

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