Germany Scholarship for Foreign Students at the Goethe University

Foreign students are invited to apply for the Germany scholarship at the Goethe University. Students will be attended in the programmes Bachelor, Master and State Examination.

Nationality: all

Where: Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany

Scholarship award:

  • The term of the scholarship is not more than 6 months, and the monthly funding of up to 500 euros
  • For a period of up to 5 months, a full scholarship of 500€ a month, or a partial scholarship of 250€ a month


In order to be eligible, you need to:

  • Be international students
  • Have specific successes at school and / or university and the social commitment, for example in clubs or in university politics, religious or political organizations, etc
  • Be enrolled in the programmes Bachelor, Master and State Examination at Goethe-University

What do you need to submit?

  • Completed application form documenting your academic achievements and financial situation
  • Confirmation of Immatriculation
  • Transcript of records
  • Registration for final examination
  • Two recommendation letters by lecturers of the Goethe-University
  • Passport photo

How to apply: you need to download the application forms and Send an electronic Kopiedes completed application form (in PDF format): The electronically sent application form is used for internal data collection and replaces not the written request.

Deadline: January 31, June 30 and October 31 of each year

Official website