Fully-Funded Erasmus Mundus Master Awards for International Students, 2020

Fully-Funded Erasmus Mundus Master Awards for International Students, 2020

Scholarship applications for the 2020-2022 cohort are now OPEN. 

For guidelines on how to apply for the EUROSUD degree programme and Erasmus Mundus scholarships, please see How to apply.

The Erasmus Mundus scholarship includes

  • a contribution to the student participation costs (including tuition fees, full insurance coverage and any other mandatory costs related to the student’s participation in the EMJMD study programme
  • a contribution to student travel and installation costs
  • a monthly subsistence allowance for the entire duration of the EMJMD study programme.

Erasmus Mundus scholarships can be offered to students from any region of the world; however, no more than three with the same nationality will be awarded in the same intake under the same category. The scholarship’s terms depend on the student’s nationality and residence.

Contribution to the participation costsup to 4,500 € per year per scholarship holder from a Programme Countryup to 9,000 € per year per scholarship holder from a Partner CountryAny amount in excess of these maximum contributions must be covered by the participating organisations and cannot be charged to the scholarship holder.Erasmus+ Programme/Partner Countries
Contribution to the travel and installation costs1,000 € per year per scholarship holder resident of a Programme Country2,000 € per year for travel costs + 1,000 € for installation costs for a scholarship holder resident in a Partner Country whose location is situated at less than 4,000 km from the EMJMD coordinating HEI3,000 € per year for travel costs + 1,000 € for installation costs for a scholarship resident in a Partner Country whose location is situated at 4.000km or more from the EMJMD coordinating HEI.Distance is calculated by the consortium using the EACEA calculator. 
Contribution to subsistence costs1,000 € per month for the entire duration of the EMJMD study programme (24 months maximum).Contribution to subsistence costs will not be given to scholarship holders for the periods of the EMJMD (study / research / placement / thesis preparation) spent in their country of residenceContribution to subsistence costs will not be given to Partner Country scholarship holders for periods exceeding 3 months spent in any Partner Country.

Selection timetable

1 October 2019Online application form becomes available
31 January 2020Deadline for ALL scholarship applications
3 April 2020Applicants informed of scholarships decision
2 May 2020Deadline for unsuccessful scholarship applicants to secure place on programme
End May to mid-June 2020After the consortium has received the final approval on the selection from the European Commission the scholarship applicants on the main list and reserve list will receive the final results of their applications.
21 July 202025 August 2020Deadline for International (non-EU) self-funding applicationsDeadline for UK and EU self-funding applications

Eligibility check

All applications are subject to an eligibility check which covers all aspects of the application: respect of the application deadline, completeness of the application file, eligibility of the candidate in relation to the Erasmus Mundus criteria. Applicants who fail to provide necessary documentation by the appropriate deadline will be excluded from the application procedure and will be informed of the specific reason for ineligibility.

Scholarship competition

To be eligible to be considered for scholarship, students must first have secured a place on the degree programme (unconditional or conditional). The University of Glasgow postgraduate admissions office assesses all applications and will reply directly to the applicant to let them know if they have been offered a place. Applicants who receive an offer of a place on the degree programme, and who have submitted the scholarship application on time, will be put forward to the scholarship competition.   

Selection criteria

The EUROSUD consortium selection committee assesses each application according to the following criteria:

  • Academic merit (e.g. relevance and level of academic qualifications) – 30%
  • Supporting personal statement – 40%
  • Quality of (academic) references – 10%
  • Other (e.g. relevant research/professional experiences/interests) – 20%


When a main list scholarship student withdraws, he/she is replaced by the first eligible candidate on the reserve list. In this particular case, the eligibility criterion concerns the nationality of the reserve list candidate and the rule concerning the presence of a maximum of three nationals from the same country among the scholarship holders in each intake. If there are already three other students with the same nationality on the main list, the consortium will have to take the next eligible candidate respecting its own ranking list (European Commission’s regulations).

Appeal procedure for candidates who fail to secure a scholarship

All candidates will be notified of the decision of the scholarship selection committee by email only in April. Candidates who do not secure a scholarship and who wish to appeal the decision of the scholarship selection committee must do so in writing by email within 2 weeks (14 days) from the point of notification by the EUROSUD consortium of their failure to win a scholarship. The email should be addressed to the EUROSUD consortium at the following address: eurosud@glasgow.ac.uk. The email subject heading should contain the words “EUROSUD scholarship appeal”. The reasons for the appeal must be clearly stated in the email. Note: A candidate may appeal ONLY on the grounds of defective or unfair procedure by the EUROSUD scholarship selection committee.

Official website

7 Responses

  1. Kyaw says:

    I can’t find for what degree is the scholarship for??? Undergrad or graduate???

  2. I have grate interest in your program.

  3. Morris S. Karnga says:

    Where are the list of the programs for student to enrolled into?
    Am interested

  4. Mitala Yekosani says:

    Do you offer scholarships for medical related courses?

  5. I’m meron and i’m 21year old i’m undergraduate How can i apply international students fully fundd free Scolarship undergraduate students, from Ethiopia Would you like to suggest….
    Regards thank you

  6. I am Gatwech Riek. I am 35 yrs old and I have Bsc in Rural Development and Agricultural extension in Ethiopia. I have no support for scholarship and I need learning in your quality scholarship. Therefore, I want you to feed me how I can get fund. I am very interested to learn there if you have provide me with full funded scholarship. I live in Ethiopia which is the poor country, border to South sudan.

  7. Amadu Ismael says:

    Do you offer scholarship for civil engineering students for degree?

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