Florida Atlantic University Depan International Student Scholarship in USA 2022

Florida Atlantic University Depan International Student Scholarship in USA 2022

All scholarships are available for Spring and Fall terms only. They are limited in number and competitive. Applicants must apply and be admitted as degree seeking students before being considered for a scholarship. Students must have a high school diploma or the equivalence before the first day of class in order to meet scholarship criteria.


$2,000 awarded annually over eight consecutive semesters for a freshman student on a student or scholar visa. Eligibility criteria will include: Outstanding academic achievement; 3.0 minimum GPA; English proficiency required for admission to FAU and evidence of community service or high school involvement. For deadline information and to apply online, please to go to http://www.fau.edu/admissions/freshmen/scholarships.php


$2,000 awarded annually over four semesters for a transfer student on a student or scholar visa. Eligibility criteria includes: outstanding academic achievement (minimum 3.0 GPA), English proficiency and evidence of community service or activity. For deadline information and to apply online, please go to International Transfer Scholarships

LATIN AMERICA & CARIBBEAN SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM (HONORS COLLEGE APPLICANTS) See the Wilkes Honors College Scholarships for a complete description.

FLORIDA LINKAGE INSTITUTES TUITION WAIVER AWARDS (for students from specific countries and/or regions) Florida Statute 288.9175 established Linkage Institutes between postsecondary institutions in the state of Florida and foreign countries. Each institute is allowed to provide out-of-state tuition exemptions for up to 25 full-time equivalent students per year from the respective host countries to study in any of the state universities or state colleges in this state as resident students for tuition purposes. For more information, please go to: https://www.fau.edu/controller/student-services/institute-waiver/

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