ENS de Lyon Master’s Scholarships of Excellence in France 2022/23

ENS de Lyon Master's Scholarships of Excellence in France 2022/23

Funding your Master’s: Scholarships of Excellence

For all students enrolling in a Master’s degree

The ENS de Lyon and its partners offer scholarships for excellent international students to enrol in its Masters programs in the Exact Sciences, the Arts, and Human and Social Sciences (except FEADép Master’s programs):

  • Ampère Scholarships of Excellence
    • Master’s programs concerned: all Master’s programs (except FEADép Master’s programs)
    • Amount: 1,000€ a month during one or two academic years
    • More information: ampere.scholarship@ens-lyon.fr

WARNING: fraudulent messages regarding applications to the ENS de Lyon’s scholarship of excellence are currently circulating. Do not send any personal data and do not make any payment requested by “lyonbourses@gmail.com“.

  • MILYON Scholarship
    • Master’s programs concerned: Advanced Mathematics and Fundamental Computer Science
    • The project is funded within the framework of the French government’s “Investissement d’avenir” program.

Application process and deadlines

Funding your PhD

Various grants and contracts can help studentsfund their PhD.

  • Doctoral contracts
    A doctoral contrat is a three-year employment contract under which an institution selects and hires a student to undertake doctoral studies. There are no conditions in terms of age or nationality.
    More information on the doctoral school’s websites
  • Co-funding for doctoral studies
    International doctoral students wishing to enrol in a doctoral program at the ENS de Lyon can apply for co-funding of up to 50 percent of the amount required for enrolment. This scholarship granted by the ENS de Lyon for the duration of the doctoral program (3 years maximum). In the case of internationally co-directed doctoral theses (cotutelles internationales), the scholarship will only be paid during the months of presence at the ENS de Lyon. The amount of funding will be adjusted each year according to the external (main) funding obtained.
    Call of proposal
  • CIFRE (Industrial Convention for training through Research)
    This convention brings together a company, a student, and a research laboratory. The PhD student is recruited and employed by the company with no conditions regarding nationality or area of research. See the National Association of Technological Research (ANRT).
  • Foundation and association grants
    These are common in medical research. Candidates must apply for funding themselves. The funding usually requires the signature of an employment contract between the institution (or research institution) and the doctoral student.
  • Research grants
    This type of funding, awarded to a team to support a research project, involves an employment contract between the institution (or research institute) and the PhD student. To find out more, visit the doctoral schools’ and research laboratories’ websites.

Other grants

For all students enrolling in a Master’s degree or in a PhD

  • The European Union funds scholarships for the best students pursuing Erasmus Joint Masters or Doctorates.
    See ATOSIM Master’s degree (operated by the ENS de Lyon and its partners).
  • The Mitacs Globalink Research Award – Campus France provides the opportunity for faculty members and senior undergraduate and graduate students at Canadian universities to participate in 12– to 24–week research projects supervised by a faculty member at a French university.
  • The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program helps French higher education establishments attract top foreign students into their Master’s and PhD courses. For other grants offered by the Ministry, students should contact the French embassy’s cultural department in their country.
    More information on Campus France
  • Foreign students can browse for more scholarships using Campus France’s Grant search engine.

Normalien Status

If you are recruited through the competitive entrance exam, you will benefit from the specific “Normalien” status:

  • For citizens of the European Union or the European Economic Area: 1,500€/month salary for 4 years
  • For students from other countries- the best candidate in each “série de concours”: 1,000€/month grant for 3 years

Official website

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