How to concentrate in class in order to do well at school

Having concentration during each class could help you get better result because you can catch up the main points from each session well. It is difficult to concentrate in class, but there are a few ways to deal with this problem.

Getting a good night sleep

You should have at least eight hours slept; so that you can give some relax time for your brain. After getting up from a good sleep, your brain will function well. You will have all your mind and feeling into the class besides yawning or falling asleep.

Eating healthy meals

If you have morning class, you have to make sure that your stomach is full. The more you focus in the class, the more energy is needed, so eating healthy and nutrient meals is necessary. Being hungry during the class can disturb your attention you pay to the class.

Avoid any distraction

Both physically and mentally distractions are the main obstacles to your concentration. To get rid of the problem, you have to make sure that any electric device is not near you, and draw your attention toward the lecture rather than thinking of something else.

Having all needed stationaries near you

Taking not is essential for each class; therefore, you should have all materials you normally use on the table, including highlighter, different colors of pens, sticking note, and the like. If not so, you may miss the important point whenever you need to grab those stationaries.

Avoid chit-chatting during the class

You should not chat or talk to your neighbors during the lecture since you cannot focus on what your lecturers have said. Chit chatting in class does not only distract your concentration, but it can also disturb the others in class. If you want to talk to your friend, you may wait until the break time or you may talk before the class.

by Ty Kanha

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