Collaborating Mentors for 2019 Postdoctoral Fellows

The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center, in its up-coming research project, is seeking for a Collaborating Mentors, who will be working and co-develop the socio-environmental synthesis research projects in the organization. Detailed information could be found in official Website.

Where: National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center, Maryland

Nationality: International Candidates

Programme: Candidates who are interested in Collaborating Mentors, mentoring in the incoming SESYNC Postdoctoral Fellows and co-developing socio-environmental synthesis research projects with them


  • Must demonstrate expertise or excellence knowledge in the social, natural, engineering or computational sciences.
  • Candidates are required to have completed their PhD degree in the related field
  • Demonstrate sufficient research experience so that they could provide substantive intellectual and methodological mentoring to Postdoctoral Fellows.
  • Have a great idea that is suitable for research collaboration using synthesis methods.


How to apply:

To apply for this scholarship, you are required to apply through Online Application system. Please refer to this website to start your application:  Application Online

Required Documents;

  • A Brief description of areas of interest and potential idea for collaborative socio- environmental synthesis projects (1-page max).
  • A CV along with link(s) to potential mentor’s professional website
  • A short biography (200 words)
  • A short statement (500 words) on expectations for the proposed collaboration, including expectations of the Postdoctoral Fellow and thoughts on facilitating a productive mentoring relationship.

Deadline: October 24th, 2018

Official website

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