Budapest Metropolitan University International Scholarships in Hungary 2020
Students do not need to apply for the scholarship, it is automatically calculated by the University in every semester based on their corrected credit index and taken into consideration their weighted grade point.
The awarded students receive a personal message about the details.
1) The METU Study Grant can be awarded to those students who participate in a fee-paying, Bachelor’s or Master’s program and whose student status are not suspended (i.e. have active student status in the current semester).
2) Per semester and per class
a)per the mode of study – Full time
b)per faculty: -HFTGK- including Commerce, Business and Tourism programs -KMK: including Art and Social science programs
c) per language of training: English (including all students studying in the English language, also Hungarian students)
3) The amount of the METU Study Grant equals to the tuition fee in effect on the study program of the awarded student in the given semester.
4) In accordance with the division stated in point 2, the METU Study Grant is awarded to the student with the highest corrected credit index and whose weighted grade point average (GPA) is at least a 4.5. In case of equality, the number of language certificates counts.
1 -1 student is eligible for the METU Study Grant, from each class of each faculty, altogether 6 students participating in an English language program.
Students, who have more semester than the recommended number of terms, cannot be eligible.