British Council Self-study program for IELTS preparation (Free of charge)
A brand-new comprehensive IELTS Study Plan, created by our IELTS experts. This self-study guide has a detailed section on each IELTS skill, guiding you on how to prepare for your IELTS and offering you a thorough list of material – free to use – that will aid you in practice and preparation.
Please find the detailed 5-week self-study guide to prepare for IELTS Academic or General Training test.
What a great idea!millions of students who want to achieve thier goals to get studies in foreign but can’t ,because of inability to achieve ilets
IELTS test training
I’ll really love to get this kit as I’m preparing to write IELTS exam
I am interested in learning please provide me stuff.
Im feeling proud for geeting a chance to continue this course by ASEAN SCHOLARSHIP.
Thank you