[CALL FOR ABSTRACT – The 6th International Conference on International Relations and Development (ICIRD) 2019]

|| Mae Fah Luang University (MFU) || Chiang Rai, Thailand || 22-23 November 2019 ||

The 6th International Conference on International Relations and Development (ICIRD) 2019 “A New Global Network: What’s Next of “The Turns” in International Relations and Development”

o Risk, Vulnerability and Resilience: Disaster, Climate, Ecology and SDGs
o Mobility: Human, Resources and Capital
o Peace and Conflict, Transformation and Resistance
o Media, Information ,Communication and Digital politics 
o Non Traditional Security
o Governance: Public, Private and People Partnership 
o Human Rights
o Gender, Chauvinism, Intersectionality
o Resource grabbing
o Green politics and green economy
o Extremism, Ultra-Nationalism, Statism
o Neoliberalism, Populism
o Democracy and Authoritarianism
o International Relations: Trans-boundary and Transnationalism
o Great, Declined and Emerging Powers

Launched in 2010, the ICIRD Knowledge Network is a platform for academic cooperation among five of Thailand’s foremost providers of research and higher education, namely the Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University, the Master of Arts program in International Development Studies (MAIDS), Chulalongkorn University, the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies (IHRP), Mahidol University, the Regional Center for Social Sciences and Sustainable Development (RCSD), Chiang Mai University and the School of Social Innovation, Mae Fah Luang University.

Those who wish to present a paper are invited to submit an abstract of 300 words and a short biographical paragraph of 150 words (both in English) to email: icirdconference2019@gmail.com

For more information and inquiries, please contact us :
* Miss Maya Dania (Maya.Dan@mfu.ac.th)
* Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/icirdmfu2019/

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