ASEAN YOUTH FORUM 2019 in Indonesia [Scholarship Available]

June 27-29, 2019 || Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Deadline: April 14, 2019

The ASEAN Youth Forum (AYF) is a movement that represents and fights for the young people in ASEAN to voice out their concerns and strategies for ways to achieve a better ASEAN. AYF has been a platform of the youth in the ASEAN to raise their voice and claim for their rights for a sustainable, inclusive, people-centered, and youth-driven regional community. The network aims to institutionalise and establish its national chapters to focus the engagement on important and timely local issues affecting the youth, and consolidate policy proposal and agenda to put forward to the relevant ASEAN offices.

1. Aged 15 – 35 years.
2. Participants from sexual and gender minorities, people living in and/or from rural area, people living with disabilies, indigenous people and migrant groups are strongly encouraged to apply.
3. Representatives of youth organisations, NGOs and communities that raise the issue and/or selected individuals that possess high interest in the advancement of human rights and development, democratisation, sexual reproductive health and rights, gender, peace process and diversity issues.
4. Possess experience in youth organisation, contribute on positive impacts on their community or region.
5. Possess great vision for the betterment of youth livelihood in ASEAN + Timor-Leste.
6. Able to communicate in English. If limited, at least one person fluent in English will act as interpreter for each countries.
7. Understanding problems faced in their respective countries, especially related to human rights and development, including democratisation, sexual reproductive health and rights, gender, peace process and diversity.
8. Possess fresh and groundbreaking ideas of problem solution with thorough analysis.

Interested applicants should apply through this link

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