New Zealand Scholarships for International Students 2019 – 2020

There are different scholarships available for international students from developing countries. You will get the opportunity to study abroad at a New Zealand education institution or university or at a Pacific university.

You will get the opportunity to study abroad at a New Zealand education institution or university or at a Pacific university.

New Zealand Scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate study

  • To enroll full time study at a New Zealand education institution or a Pacific university. 

New Zealand Short Term Scholarships for students of Southeast Asia and Timor-Leste

  • It is short scholarship for skills training for workers from eligible Southeast Asian countries and from Timor-Leste.

New Zealand English Language Training for Officials Scholarships (NZELTO) 

  • It is for government officials from eligible African and Asian countries to come to New Zealand for English language training.

To apply: you need to check out in detail for the eligibility of each scholarship.

Official website

5 Responses

  1. Burbuqe says:

    My name is Burbuqe Hyseni and am about to get my second degree in the USA. In Houston TX. I am originally from Kosovo. O have been here in Houston for almost 4 years. I would love to be able to move to New Zeland.
    Contact me in my phone number at 8327844246

  2. Nkurunziza Brian Saviour says:

    Very excellent, I wish am given one on medicine

  3. Htay Htay Win says:

    How about 6 month program for Youth Leadership program? When do you announce for this.

  4. Meanut vantha says:

    Hello,i’m Meanut . I’m from Cambodia,I graduated Bachelor degree and i also want continue to Master degree. I’m so excited to hear about New Zealand has scholarships for international students . I hope I can get it for expanding my knowledge and helping my nation also.
    My contact number: (+885) 61 608 379

  5. Taing marina says:

    Apply for scholarships

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