ASIA-KAKEHASHI PROJECT 2019 Call for Applications from Cambodia and Myanmar

Semester High-School Program in Japan (Full Scholarship)

Dear Clean Energy Colleague, 

We are excited to announce that the Call for Abstracts for ACEF 2019 is now open, and the deadline for submissions is Friday 15 March 2019! 

Yes, it is that time of the year—when we reach out to clean energy stakeholders from around the world, seeking abstracts for the Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF), one of Asia’s premier knowledge-sharing and networking platforms.  The inclusive Call for Abstracts process we undertake each year allows practitioners across Asia, and indeed the world, to submit summaries of their latest experiences and lessons learned, for presentation during the Main Forum of ACEF week. Last year, ACEF brought together more than 1,300 people from 73 countries to share their experiences in addressing a wide range of issues facing the clean energy sector. We received nearly 350 abstracts in 2018 for just 80 speaking slots, so the process is very competitive!  

Please click here to go to official website for more info