Study Visit to UN-institutions and other International Organisations in the Hague

7-12 April 2019 | The Hague, Netherlands

Study visit for youth leaders/youth workers to UN-institutions and other international organizations in the Hague to learn about their work and develop a network of youth organizations interested in working with international projects!

The visit will introduce the international organizations to youth workers/youth leaders. It will allow them to understand better their work and their role in society. The visit will contribute to personal and professional development of youth leaders and will let them to acquire new knowledge and skills which they can use in their work. The Study visit will allow youth workers/youth leaders to understand how youth organizations can cooperate with UN-institutions and other organizations.

We hope one of the outcomes of the project will be the development of new partnerships among participants and the international organizations that they will visit.

Additional information can be found on the website of the event –

Participation fee

The fee for the course is 550 euro. The fee covers accommodation and the program. Visa fee and the travel are not included. If participants need a visa – please inform us about it and we will provide a visa invitation.

Accommodation and food

Costs for accommodation are included in the participation fee. 

Travel reimbursement

There is no travel reimbursement.

Contact for questions:

Phone: +31308795055