ASEAN Student Forum 2018 in Malaysia


ASEAN STUDENT FORUM 2018 is a four-day international forum for youths and top intellectuals from leading Universities and Colleges within the ASEAN and East Asia region.

UTP – ASA organizes the forum annually where it focuses on reinforcing the ASEAN identity by creating a platform of discussion with regards to the implications of the ASEAN Integration Initiative that aims to boost ties between ASEAN students with the goal of integrating different ASEAN communities into one diversified entity.

Throughout the forum, several discussions will be made regarding the students’ interest sectors and fields with respect to the changes, issues and effects brought about by the ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation

24 – 27 September 2018 at University of Technology Petronas, Malaysia


  • 23 September – 28 September 2018
  • ASEAN+3 Member States ONLY
  • 23 September – 1 October 2018
  • ASEAN+3 Member States ONLY

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