Call for Applications: Persyval-Lab Master Scholarships 2022-23, Université Grenoble-Alpes, France

Applications deadline: May 23, 2022

The “Université Grenoble Alpes”, through its excellence center (LabEx) Persyval-lab, launches a scholarship program for attracting exceptional candidates in the second year of one of its master’s degree related to the Persyval-lab disciplines: Computer Science, Control, Mathematics and Signal Processing.

This grant of €8,000 is intended to support excellent students whose income is insufficient to cover their fees and who wish to obtain a master’s degree from the “Université de Grenoble Alpes” and then apply to a doctoral program within one of the laboratories associated with Persyval-lab. All excellent students are invited to apply. A maximum of 10 grants will be allocated for each academic year.

This selective pre-doctoral grant program is aimed at excellent students who wish to follow an M2 course (second year of a Master’s Degree) at the “Université de Grenoble Alpes” (UGA) and who express a strong interest to conduct a thesis in a Persyval laboratory.Concerned audience

The program is open to all students applying for a master’s course in Computer Science, Control, Mathematics or Signal Processing, as listed below.

In their motivation letter, students are encouraged to develop their interest for a research theme within Persyval-lab.

Candidates must have successfully completed the first year of a master’s degree course or an equivalent qualification recognized by UGA.(Leaflet 2019)

Masters 2 taught in English:

Masters 2 taught in French or in English:

Information required:

  • Identity,
  • The last 2 academic years,
  • Motivations,
  • Intended Master,
  • Master application number : before applying for the Persyval-lab scholarship, it is necessary to apply for a master 2 of “Université Grenoble Alpes”


Source / Additional information: Official Website.

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