Excellence Scholarships for Master/ Engineer Master at Institut Galilee, Paris, France

Application deadline: 10 June, 2022

You are currently studying abroad and want to apply for a Master’s degree at Institut Galilée or at its Engineer School Sup Galilée ?
Excellence scholarships can help you finance your studies in France at Institut Galilée:

Master :

– 2 years program : 7500 euros (admission in Master 1)
– 1 year program: 2500 euros (admission in Master 2)

Master in Engineering :

– 2 years program: 7500 euros (admission in the second year of the engineering degree for holders of a Master 1 or an equivalent degree)

Terms and conditions: The award of the scholarship depends on a pre-registration to a Master’s or Master in Engineering level programs at Institut Galilée

Criterias : excellence of academic results and motivation of the candidate.

The application form is available HERE

Deadline : 10 june 2022

Only complete forms will be reviewed by the dedicated committees for the Master’s or Engineer Master’s degrees.

Source/Additional information: Official Website.

1 Response

  1. Can l study MSc in biotechnology or other science courses

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