University of Central Oklahoma Scholarships and Financial Assistance in the USA

University of Central Oklahoma Scholarships and Financial Assistance in the USA

The University of Central Oklahoma is committed to providing affordable tuition to our students and their families from all over the world. UCO recognizes and rewards student achievements by offering scholarships and awards on the basis of academic merit, talent in the fine arts or athletics. Other awards are based upon financial need. Students may qualify for both types of awards.

For students from Ghana, India, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Peru, Vietnam and the Bahamas, email to learn more about additional scholarship promotions for which you may be eligible. 

Each year, approximately $700,000 in scholarships is awarded to international students. 

Apply early for a better chance of being awarded one of UCO’s more competitive scholarships.  Scholarships with an * require a cover letter. 

Scholarships for Incoming International Students 

Undergraduate Freshman Admission Scholarships


  • Amount: Total four years: $45,500 ($11,375 per year)
  • Priority Deadline: May 1 (Fall)
  • Qualifications: Incoming freshman with a minimum 3.0 GPA, active involvement in three or more student organizations, the applicant has not earned any college or post-high school credit hours.
  • Application: PLC and LOT Scholarship Application


  • Amount: Total four years: $33,000 ($8,250 per year)
  • Priority Deadline: May 1 (Fall)
  • Qualifications: Incoming freshman with a minimum 2.75 GPA, active involvement in two or more student organizations and demonstrated community service, the applicant has not earned any college or post-high school credit hours.
  • Application: PLC and LOT Scholarship Application


  • Amount: Total four years: Total two years – up to $8,000 ($4,000 per year)
  • Priority Deadline: Nov. 1 (Spring) May 31 (Fall)
  •  Qualifications: Incoming freshmen with minimum 3.50 GPA or SAT 1300 or ACT28
  • Renewal: Renewable with 3.25 cumulative GPA or higher
  • No application is required, non-stackable with PLC or LOT.


  • Amount: Total four years: Total two years – up to $6,000 ($3,000 per year)
  • Priority Deadline: Nov. 1 (Spring) May 31 (Fall)
  • Qualifications: Incoming freshmen with minimum 3.25 GPA or SAT 1250 or ACT26
  • Renewal: Renewable with 3.00 cumulative GPA or higher
  • No application is required, non-stackable with PLC or LOT.


  • Amount: Total four years: Total two years – up to $4,000 ($2,000 per year)
  • Priority Deadline: Nov. 1 (Spring) May 31 (Fall)
  • Qualifications: Incoming freshmen with minimum 3.00 GPA or SAT 1200 or ACT24
  • Renewal: Renewable with 3.00 cumulative GPA or higher
  • No application is required, non-stackable with PLC or LOT.


  • Amount: Up to 12 credit hours of nonresident tuition per fall/spring semester
  • Priority Deadline: Ongoing
  • Qualifications: Student whose parent or grandparent graduated from UCO or Central State University.
  • Non-stackable with the other PLC, LOT or any OGA scholarships listed above
  • Application: Legacy Non-Resident Tuition Waiver Application Form

More info at official website

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