Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Medical Image and Applications in France

The MAIA (MedicAl Imaging and Applications) master is a 2 years’ joint master degree (120 ECTS) coordinated by the University of Girona (UdG, Spain) and with the University of Bourgogne (uB, France)

and the Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale (UNICLAM, Italy) as partners


Medical Image Analysis and Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems, in close development with novel imaging techniques, have revolutionised healthcare in recent years. Those developments have allowed doctors to achieve a much more accurate diagnosis, at an early stage, of the most important diseases. Technology behind the development of CAD systems stems from various research areas in computer science such as: artificial intelligence, machine learning, pattern recognition, computer vision, image processing and sensors and acquisition.

There is a clear lack of MSc studies which cover the previously mentioned areas with a specific application to the analysis of medical images and development of CAD systems within an integrated medical imaging background. Moreover, the medical technology industry has detected a growing need of expert graduates in this field.
Join MAIA to be part of this revolution and impact your career!


This master’s degree is the right degree not just for holders of a bachelor’s degree in Informatics Engineering but also in closely related fields in either Engineering (e.g., Electrical, Industrial and Telecommunications Engineering, …) or Science (e.g., Mathematics and Physics, …) who pursue a deeper knowledge of information technology and its applications.


2 years’ joint master degree (120 ECTS)

Click the button below to begin the application process.


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