2022 Dalailama Fellowships open for Applications

2022 Dalailama Fellowships open for Applications

We are seeking 20-25 young social innovators from around the world for the 2022 Dalai Lama Fellows program. The application period is from November 18, 2021, to February 1, 2022.

Key Dates:

  • November 18, 2021: Application opens
  • February 1, 2022: Application deadline (11:59pm Eastern US Time)
  • April 2022: Fellows are selected and notified
  • April-June, 2022: Virtual onboarding of new Fellows
  • July 28 – Aug 1, 2022: 5-day Contemplative Leadership Assembly in United States
  • July 2022-June 2023: Formal fellowship year (online curriculum, coaching calls, group learning calls, project implementation in local communities)
  • July 2023 and beyond: Fellows complete program and enter LifeLong Fellows global leadership and learning community

Eligibility Requirements

In order to fulfill the minimum requirements, through the application a candidate must demonstrate:

  • Age requirements: 20-36 years old as of Feb 1, 2022 (we added a year of eligibility because we did not select Fellows in 2021; please do not inquire about exceptions to the age range, as this is a firm requirement)
  • Fluency in written and spoken English
  • Current engagement with or well-articulated plans for a social change project and sustained engagement with the project throughout the fellowship year (NOTE: due to the difficulty of launching a social innovation project from scratch, we give preference to applicants who have ongoing projects, but each year we have selected Fellows who have a concrete vision for a project and plans to launch during the fellowship year, given they have the adequate expertise, resources, and community connections at the time of applying)
  • In-depth knowledge of the community and the issue that the project is seeking to address, preferably with at least one year of previous experience working with the community 
  • Interest in learning and engaging in contemplative practices throughout the year
  • Commitment to participating in all dimensions of the program (online learning platform, 1-on-1 coaching calls, group learning calls, etc.)
    • We estimate full participation in the fellowship requires about 12 hours per month, not including Fellows’ work on their projects
  • Attendance at the Contemplative Leadership Assembly in late July 2022 (DLF will cover all costs for travel, lodging, and meals for the Assembly)

Application Summary

The application for Dalai Lama Fellows consists of five main parts:

  • Applicant background and overview
  • Short essay questions
  • Video submission
  • Resume/CV
  • Letter of recommendation


(NOTE: We have been alerted to some problems accessing the application via mobile. As we troubleshoot the issue, please use a desktop browser to apply.

Official website

2 Responses

  1. Taha says:

    Hi i am mr taha from Afghanistan i want apply for study visa i Am 12years old i want apply for visa

  2. I need school

    I need scholarship for my students in Nigeria.

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