Sungkyunkwan University Korean Language for Intermediate1
Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) was established in 1398 as the highest national educational institute in the early years of Joseon Dynasty in Korea. At present with the support of the world-renowned global company Samsung, SKKU is leading the development of higher education in Korea. SKKU actively encourages international collaboration through developing cutting-edge research and educational programs with its global partners.
About this Course
This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn Korean. This course is useful for learners who want to improve their communication skills on personal topics frequently encountered in their daily life after learning basic Korean. Through this class, you can use expressions such as introducing, talking about experiences, and comforting, and you will be able to increase your understanding of basic Korean culture. This course is organized in the order of core expression, conversation, grammar, and self-assessment. The entire course is six weeks long, and consists of two sub-themes within one major topic, so there are a total of 12 lessons. Improve your Korean language skills with this course!
Chief Contents Developer: Su Mi Lee Contents Developers: Pil Yeo Shin, Hye Kyung Park Production Assistant: Mi Seon Lee Part of this course was developed with K-MOOC(Korean MOOC) funds.
I am a civil servant, officer level.
I think it is necessary to know Korean language as there are collaborative discussions with Korean experts at work.
I am a civil servant, officer level. I think it is necessary to know Korean language as there are collaborative discussions with Korean experts at work.
I am interested in learning about korean language but I don’t have basic knowledge bout it. So is it possible for me to join this free course? Since it is online I think i can learn anytime and anywhere..