MaRIHE Erasmus Mundus Application Period Student Intake 2020 (Scholarship)

The application period for student intake 2020 (participation in MARIHE as scholarship holder) is now open!

The application period for student intake 2020 (participation in MARIHE as scholarship holder) is now open!


MARIHE – Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education programme is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

The programme has a duration of four semesters (two years). The language of tuition is English. MARIHE is jointly conducted by: Danube University Krems/Austria (coordinator), University of Tampere/Finland, Beijing Normal University/China, Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences/Germany, Eötvös Loránd University/Hungary, and Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology (deemed to be University)/India.

Costs and Funding

The participation costs (“tuition fees”) for the whole study period of four semesters for nonscholarship holders amounts to 12 000 €. For a detailed description of what is included and of the estimated living expenses during the programme, please refer to MARIHE website. As advertised on MARHE website, applicants can apply for Erasmus+ scholarships for participating in
an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programme (EMJMD). There are two different categories of these “Erasmus Mundus scholarships”:

• Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for applicants from Erasmus+ partner countries
• Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for applicants from Erasmus+ programme countries. To find out for which category you may apply and about the amount of funding through Erasmus Mundus, as well as about other funding and scholarship sources, please refer to

About Admission Requirements

3.1 The Three Admission Requirements To apply to the MARIHE programme, applicants have to show that they fulfil the following admission requirements.
• Applicants must hold a first university degree. This should be at least a Bachelor Degree issued by a university, quantified as three years of studies corresponding to 180 ECTS. If ECTS is not used in the country where the first degree was acquired: proof of a successfully completed period of study at higher education level considered comparable with a Bachelor Degree. The decision on this will be made by the MARIHE Consortium.

We do not require the first university degree to be from a specific discipline, with one exception: If an applicant would like to choose the specialization “Learning and Teaching” this requires minimum 50 ECTS from previous studies in any of the following study areas: pedagogy, MARIHE Guideline for Applicants, V.1 (August 2019) Danube University Krems, Page 4 psychology, andragogy, sociology, law, social sciences, economic sciences or health
sciences. For more information, applicants may contact consortium partner Eötvös Loránd

University/ELTE: Mrs Eszter Hámori-Szabó,
• Applicants shall show a strong motivation and interest to learn and work in the field of development and management of research and innovation in higher education.

• Applicants shall have sufficient knowledge of English for academic purposes. This is to be proved by an English language test certificate accepted by MARIHE programme (see below).

Sufficient knowledge of English for academic purposes is vital for student success in MARIHE. The requirements explained here follow the different institutional and national regulations of the consortium partners. MARIHE consortium can only accept the five English language test certificates listed in this guideline, and can only grant exemptions on basis of the three cases explained in this guideline.
3.2 English Language Test Certificates

Deadline: 03 December 2019 at 11:00 p.m. Central European Time). 

Application Guidline

Official website

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