Confucius Institute Scholarship 2019 in China

For the purpose of cultivating qualified Chinese language teachers and facilitating the promotion of Chinese language and culture, the Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) launches “Confucius Institute Scholarship” (CIS) to support outstanding students, scholars and currently employed Chinese language teachers recommended by Confucius Institutes, independently operated Confucius Classrooms as well as some HSK test centers (hereinafter to be collectively referred to as “recommending institutions”) to study in Chinese universities and colleges (hereinafter referred to as “host institutions”).


All applicants shall be

a) Non-Chinese citizens

b) In good Physical and mental condition, well performed both academically and behaviorally

c) Aspired to take future careers on the teaching or international promotion of Chinese language.

d) Between the ages of 16-35 on September 1st, 2019. Applicants currently worked as Chinese language teachers shall not exceed the age limit of 45.


A.Scholarship for Master’s Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL)

Commences September 2019 and provides scholarship for maximum two academic years.  Applicants shall be Bachelor degree holders, and have a minimum score of 210 in HSK Test (Level 5) as well as 60 in HSKK test (Intermediate Level). Applicants who are able to provide notarized document of the employment agreement are preferred.  

B.Scholarship for One-Academic-Year Study (Chinese Language and Literature)

Commences September 2019, and provides scholarship for maximum 11 months. International students currently studying in China are not eligible.

Applicants shall have a minimum score of 180 in HSK test (Level 4) and 60 in HSKK test (intermediate level).

C.Scholarship for One-Semester Study (Chinese Language and Literature)

Commences either in September 2019 or March 2020, and provides scholarship of maximum 5 months. Applicants withholding visas X1 or X2 are not eligible.

Applicants shall have a minimum score of 180 in HSK test (Level 3), while HSKK test score required.

Official website

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