[FULLY FUNDED AVAILABLE ~ ASEAN Youth Initiative Conference]

ASEAN Youth Initiative Conference registration is finally open and this time FULLY FUNDED SCHOLARSHIP IS AVAILABLE TOO!

ASEAN Youth Initiative Conference provides you the best environment to show your ability as a researcher and policy maker for ASEAN region based on the United Nations Program: Sustainable Development Goals and on top of that the output of this conference will be hand out to the government as a policy suggestion!

With the theme of “Creating Opportunities Through Promoting Knowledge and Policies”, AYIC is calling student between 16-25 years old to be a change maker!

Save your spot before anyone take it by registering yourself on ayic.unpad.ac.id, and let your presence be known.

This event will be held on Bandung, September 9th – 12th 2019, go mark it out on your calendar so you don’t miss it!

Visit website for more detailed information: ayic.unpad.ac.id

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