STIBET Scholarships for international students (final thesis) in Germany

Scholarships are available for foreign students for the finishing phase of their degree programme, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Nationality: international candidates

Where: University of Oldenburg, Germany

Scholarship award: worth up to 400 EUR per month for duration of 3 to 4 months


In order to be eligible, you shall:

  • Be international candidates who are likely to finish their degree programme at the University of Oldenburg in the summer semester (Sommersemester) 2019
  • Obtain outstanding academic performance
  • Be in financial need
  • Have voluntary work inside or outside the university

What do you need to submit?

  • Filled application form
  • Motivation letter (Reason for applying, topic of your thesis, time plan for completion, etc.)
  • Resume/CV
  • Transcript with grade average
  • Enrolment certificate
  • Copy of the residence permit from your passport
  • If available yet: A copy of the registration of the thesis with the Examinations Office
  • If available: Proof of voluntary work (brief confirmation is sufficient)
  • If you are married: Information about your family’s overall income, including proof, if available
  • Letter of recommendation from the supervisor of your thesis

Closing date: June 18, 2019
Official website

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